Health and Safety

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 places responsibility on managers of businesses to ensure the safety of themselves, their staff and the public within the working environment. The main way of achieving success in this area is through the correct training policy.

WTS can provide this training throughout the Health & Safety criteria. We provide all the required training to help you and your business to meet the legislative requirements. We can provide you with records of training and assist your team to maintain the correct refresher training programme. Our certificates of training are supplied in both Hard and Soft copies to facilitate easier filing.

We can also assist you with your Safety Statement, Method Statements and health and safety related procedures. Speak to our team today for more information.

Health and Safety Courses

Risk Assessments

Harness Training

Fire Safety

Fire Warden / Fire Marshall

Occupational First Aid

Warehouse Safety Awareness Training

Manual Handling
